Gua dan Porco Rosso

I can’t believe kalo gua baru nonton ni film beberapa hari yang lalu. This masterpiece leaves so much impression on me, nelen the impression of black panther and lady bird yang gua tonton gua in the same exact period. Film terbaiknya Hayao Miyazaki? Untuk sekarang iya, but I’ve yet to see Kiki’s Delivery Service and Nausicaa, dan setelah gua tonton Porco Rosso, damn, gua jadi gak sabar nonton dua film itu. So all the things dibawah ini is the list of shit yang bikin gua ngerasa kalo Porco Rosso itu is a masterpiece

  • Efek setelah nonton Porco Rosso tuh asik banget. It makes me hates the period that I’ve live in. Porco Rosso bikin pengen gua magically transported to the world war I era of fantasy Italy that Miyazaki created where a fuckin awesome pig speaking Japanese. It is so vibrant, colourful, fresh, beautiful, dan yang paling penting, so fuckin crystal clear blue water atmosphere yang susah banget ditandingi ama film2 laen yang bersetting laut dan sekitarnya. Padahal ini cuma animasi.
  • SO MUCH FUN. Over the top fun tanpa nyeberang ke gerbang penuh kegilaan. Every character di film ini manages buat steal the scene dan memorable. I personally love all the kids yang diculik di awal2 film, they are so cheerful, gives zero fucks and unpredictable banget. Mereka juga yang bikin gua langsung tertarik nerusin ni film with my wife. Dan gua tersenyum sepanjang film. Beneran. Jarang film2 kaya gini. Tersenyum bukan karena lucu, bukan karena amaze, bukan karena apa. But karena the feel yang diciptain ama porco rosso. Kaya menarik elu buat masuk ke dalam universenya. The fuckin movie is so innocent. There are no badguy in it!
  • Gina and FIO. Probably the greatest women’s character yang Miyazaki pernah created. Padahal simple banget karakterisasi mereka in terms of script, but miyazaki manages cramp so much soul and liveliness in their sprite. God, i love them both.
  • This movie aging so well with all the symbolism and progression yang baru kerasa di era sekarang. Terutama in terms of feminism yang gak dipaksain dan di blow up se lebay dijaman SJW kaya sekarang.
  • In terms of theme, Porco Rosso buat adult. All the smoking, all the flirtious, all the dialog and everything. It clicked like hell with me. The pig is so full of swag and coolness yang jarang banget didapet ama karakter2 animasi. Wait a minute, I’ve never seen so much cool and swag in an animation charater before. So, apakah Rosso is the coolest pig ever? Yes! Sebelom gua nonton ni film , I wasn’t sure how much I would like a film with a FUCKIN pig as the star. But once the movie started, oh boy, i’m in it for the journey..
  • Goddamn music. Its so good. Especially the ending. Hisaishi third best after scene at the sea and spirited away. For now….
  • The plot. Goofy abis. But cocok banget.


So, semua hal diatas menjawab dong apakah ni film pantes banget buat ditonton? Do not miss this movie. I repeated it, do not miss it. If you are a cool person, or have at least a little bit of swaggerness and fun deep inside that brain and heart of you, go fuckin watch this movie. You won’t regret it…

2 thoughts on “Gua dan Porco Rosso

    1. Ude gw tonton.. Its better kalo dijadiin live action tu film. In fact, almost all Takahata’s movie kecuali Pom poko lebih cocok di live action.. Yep, termasuk the Red Turtle..

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