Gue dan 6 Movie Scene yang bikin My Inner Geek Orgasm

10 taon lalu siapa yang bakal nyangka The Avengers bakalan jadi film terlaris nomor 3 sepanjang masa, let alone being green lite by movie studios? 10 taon yang lalu siapa yang bakal nyangka bakalan ada TV series like community or even BREAKING BAD? 10 taon yang lalu siapa yang bakalan ada ketololan yang ngerusak mitos vampire  with a very genious idea about vampire skin yang  glow in the sun? Dengan movie comic yang semakin merajai, videogame yang makin mainstream, dan geek style like glasses, unisex cardigan, and scooter udah jadi something yang umum dan somewhat a cool style, gak berlebihan dong kalo gw bilang We’re already living in a pop culture where geek culture is a KING! So, without further ado, this is my 6 favorite scene in a movies yang ampe sekarang kalo gw tonton lagi, bakalan bikin gw giggling dan bangga kalo being a geek in your teenage and early twenty is paying off quite good right now..

From THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, Bane Breaking Batman’s Back(Sort of)

TDKR wasn’t a bad movie, its just a sloppy one. But, the way Nolan handle batman first fight againts Bane is masterful, at least for the tribute. Right from the moment Batman berjalan di atas that steel bridge, and goes mano o mano againts Bane, sementara playtime film baru sekitar satu jam, gw tau apa yang bakal terjadi. Batman will get mauled by Bane and his weird accent. Yang gw gak nyangka, Nolan bener2 masukin that iconic Scene where Bane lifting Batman, and giving him a devastating BACKBREAKER as a tribute to the KNIGHTFALL storyline. That was really really an amazing scene to watch. The first time i watch it, i look at my girlfriend at my side and scream, “DID I JUST SEE THAT?”, diikutin ama senyum tolol dan tepok tangan kaya orang norak di dalam bioskop..

From PACIFIC RIM, That fight in the middle of the flick, especially Gipsy Danger vs Leather Back and Otachi

From the first time gw liat Pacific Rim trailer, gw tau ni film bakalan awesome. Why? gw familiar with track recordnya Del toro yang masterful. Dan gw udah bisa ngebayangin bakal sedetail apa pacific rim begitu tau budget tu film. Dengan budget gembel aja dia bisa bikin Devil’s backbone and Mimic kok, apalagi dengan budget gila dan premise tentang robot vs monster! Yang gw bener2 ga nyangka, ni film bener2 ngebangkitin naluri anak kecil gw lagi yang bawaannya pengen maen robot2an sambil ngancurin apapun yang bisa gw ancurin. Serius, sepanjang ampir 30 menit tuh smackdown hardcore match abis2an antara Gipsy Danger ngelawan that 2 AWESOME Kaiju, tangan gw mengepal, sambil kadang2 gigit jari, and feeling anxious gara2 pengen ngerasain dan terpengaruh sama all that awesomeness in the SCREEN. This is the single greatest fighting scene in the history of humankind!

From ALIEN VS PREDATOR, Celtic Predator vs Alien

As a huge fan of Alien and Predator franchise, Alien vs Predator itu udah kaya dream come true buat gw. Walo hasil akhirnya sebenernya medioker dan sedikit merusak image predator(come on, what kind of shit yang ada di otaknya tuh scriptwriter sih masukin adegan romantis antara predator and human!), but still, I blindly love the heck out of the movie. Gw nonton AVP 4 time di bioskop, tiga diantaranya sendirian. Why? Because of that particular scene above. The first time ever, Pemburu nomor satu di universe vs Pure Monster nomor satu di universe! The end result is awesome, walo sedikit berat sebelah di sisi Alien. Tapi that scene cukup bikin gw puas diri kalo seandainya gak bakal ada sekuel AVP lagi, that fighting scene udah nempel di otak gw sebagai penggambaran silver screen dari Alien yang berantem lawan Predator. And then, AVPR comes along and ruining AVP franchise even more..

From THE AVENGERS, Fighting Montage in New York involving THE AVENGERS

There’s a scene where Black widow jumping up into some chiaturi with jet, she kills those creatures, and then when another chiaturi’s gonna shoot her, Iron Man muncul dan shoot it. Iron man terus terbang, ngehajar as many as chiaturis yang bisa dia temuin dan turun ngebantu Cap yang lagi sibuk berantem. Iron man terus nembakin his repulsor Ray to Cap’s shield yang mantulin that ray ke arah those bastards. Iron Man terus terbang ke gedung di deketnya, ngebantuin hawkeye yang terus nembakin Panah ke chitauri yang terbang2 gak jelas, kena dan chitauri itu kemudian nabrak those silly big monster (yang gak bisa ngapa2in selain terbang geje), yang diatasnya ada si hulk ama thor lagi ngeberantas those damn chitauris. Adegan diatas digambarin one shot, one montage, one true awesomeness yang gak gw sangka2 bakalan pernah dibuat. And gw duduk manis dibioskop tersenyum manja sambil nyadarin, Jesus H Christ, THE AVENGERS is really here!

From THE DARK KNIGHT, Joker Monologue in the End

Kata2 terakhirnya Joker, where he said to Batman, “This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible, aren’t you? You won’t kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won’t kill you because you’re just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever”, bener2 bikin bulu kuduk gw merinding…

From THE EXPENDABLES, Dolph Lundgren vs Jet Li, Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Slyvester Stallone, and the first time McClane, Rambo and Terminator in the same screen together.. 

Perlu gw jelasin lagi? Stallone, Willis and Arnold kalo ngumpul2 minum kopi aja sebenernya udah epik banget, nah ini mereka kaya reenactmen karakter pribadi mereka di dunia nyata. Li vs Lundgren? Its Wong Fei hung vs Ivan Drago! Sementara Stallone vs SCSA is the hard hitting fighting wrestling scene that i’ve ever want. Spear! Indian Death Lock! DDT! Hurracanna! Awesome! Now bring me the Rock vs Jackie Chan!

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