Gue dan 50 Videogame terbaik yang pernah gue maenin, PART I

Jujur, bikin list ini sama susahnya kaya bikin list 500 lagu terbaik, 50 film terbaik dan sebagainya. Why? Karena gak kaya songs/movie yang cepet2 dan bisa dirasain effectnya dalam waktu singkat, rasa videogames gak bisa dirasain hanya dengan lewat begitu aja. Banyak videogames yang baru kerasa indahnya setelah dimaenin more than 10 hours, or so. But, bisa juga list ini kebentuk. So without any further bullshit, this is my 50 greatest videogame of all time!


Bisa dibilang game paling pendek durasinya di list ini. Lu bisa tamatin game ini dalam waktu 15 menit kalo lu jago, dan bener2 pembrani. Gambar sih butek and pixelated banget, gameplay juga simpel. Lu cuma disuruh keliling2 cari pages yang berserakan. But there’s a catch, there’s something that following elu. And the more pages you collected, the more intense that ghostly figure going to follow and spook you out. Slender efektif, dan bisa dibilang is the scariest game I’ve ever played. Oh here comes the big twist, ITS FREE! Googling sono, tapi siap2 aja ketakutan setengah mampus.


Why? Because you can do shoryuuken in this game. Gw big fans of Megaman Series. Bisa dibilang almost every megaman game in existence gw tamatin, kecuali sequels of Battle Network and Starforce, but x series is always be my favorite. Dan Megaman X2 itu yang start semuanya. X2 paling balance, paling epik(setidaknya buat gua), dan yang paling cepet..


To tell you the truth, I hate casual games. Tapi casual games itu bener2 efektif. Lu bisa kapan aja maen, stop dan continuing wherever you are becos the game is in your hands(literally). Dan temple run ini bisa dibilang rajanya game casual yang bener2 casual. It is easy, cool, and very very competitive. High Score gw di temple run 1 25 juta, dan temple run 2 26 juta. Can anybody who read this blog beat it? Kalo lu punya android or IOS, try this. It is free and awesome.

47. The King of Fighters 1999(PSX)

Gue and temen gw playing the heck out of this game back in 2000. Setiap hari sabtu pulang sekolah ampe malem. Countless of rounds, countless of trash talking. Sayang tuh anak udah ilang entah kemana. KOF 1999 introduces gue ke dua karakter fav gw di KOF, K’ and Maxima. Before 1999, gw always been a SF Guy. I’m not a fan of 97 and 98 version of KOF. Advanced dan extra modenya menurut gw kurang efektif. But when 99 came along, Bye bye alpha 3. Its been fun playing with you. And I almost forget, KOF 99 last boss is my favorite KOF boss of all time because he’s so hard to beat, well, after Igniz seh, but we came to that later..

46. Tilt to Live(IOS)

Liat screenshot diatas, lu pasti mikir what the fuck is that? What kind of game is that? What kind of gameplay is that? Liat tanda panah putih di agak pojok kiri atas. Yap, that’s you. All you gotta do is destroying and while invading all those red spot yang lagi nyoba nyentuh lu. Lu cuma punya satu nyawa, dan lu gerakinnya via tilt. Yep, this is the most hardcore casual title I’ve ever played. And that’s why it is deserved the spot in my list of 50th greatest videogame of all time!


Butuh penjelasan lagi??? Salah satu alasan kenapa gw purchase NDS back in 2008. And one of the reason why NDS is exist!


Gw bukan fans BIOWARE. Menurut gw, mereka itu developer game paling overrated di dunia ini. Even the 1st Mass Effect didn’t really do anything buat gw. Space exploration bullshit lah. Kecil gitu yang sebenernya bisa di explore. The only reason why i played ME2, karena gw penasaran gimana caranya BioWare integrated save ME1 ke sekuelnya. And damn, bioware surprising my ass indeed. Mass Effect Storyline dan gameplay jadi makin streamlining dan logically good! Sampe bikin ME3 jadi sekuel game yang paling gw tunggu2 di 2012, walo lagi2 gw dikecewain lagi ama BioWare. But, ME2 is great. Everybody should play it, just like everybody who loves scifi but never had a chance to watch FIREFLY, should watch SERENITY.


Kenapa? Kenapa bukan sekuelnya dawn of sorrow? Kenapa bukan Symphony of the night? Karena ini list gue. Symphony of the night emang cool banget, tapi yang bener2 bikin gw betah maenin berulang2 cuma Aria of Sorrow, dan aria of sorrow ialah alasan yang bikin gw beli GBA. Im not buying playstation buat symphony of the night. Aria of Sorrow mungkin castlevania paling gampang, dan entah kenapa paling enjoyable. Alur gamenya simple, gak sok ribet dan misterius, dan pretty. I love it. Even until now.


The best tower defense. Sampe sekarang gw gak bisa lewat2 level 60 endless. Dan sampe sekarang masih mikirin taktik yang bagus buat itu. That’s the reason why. This game is so freakishly addictive, cute, casual, easy, but in the same time, quite complicated and hardcore for us core gamer. Amazing.


Gw spends time for over 40 hours just to play one character in this Borderlands sekuel saking efektifnya. Borderlands itu isinya cuma tentang guns, guns, and guns. Gameplaynya shoot, ngoleksi guns guns and guns, and then shoot shoot shoot, tapi bener2 adiktif banget. Dan surprisingly, ceritanya juga kocak, over the top and didn’t really think itself very seriously. Handsome jack is one of the best villain ever created in Videogame Universe.


The most Hardcore game in this list. Game yang bikin NDS lite pertama rusak gara2 kebanting saking emosinya gw maen game ini. Sama susahnya kaya Contra The HARD CORPS-nya genesis! Game with sprite graphic paling detail and awesome di NDS ini juga satu2nya game di list ini yang gak pernah gw tamatin versi hardnya saking susahnya. tapi entah kenapa, even until now, gw masih keep coming back to this game give it another try. Goddamn Konami!


The first Sonic juga jadi Sonic paling memorable buat gue. Why? The FUCKIN SOUNDTRACK! Dari stage pertama ampe final zone, semua musicnya masih gw denger ampe sekarang. There’s a reason why SONIC Soundtrack sampe sekarang masih terus di mix2 ama orang2 di internet dan OCREMIX(Amazing website). Music favorit gw itu di stage yang screenshotnya ada di atas. Star Light Zone. Calm, peaceful, and the first ever videogame soundtrack yang gw suka banget. Masih inget dengan jelas, gw sering banget nyalain genesis seharian cuma buat dengerin lagu star light zonenya doang di sound test sampe adaptor genesis panas parah.


Kenapa bukan MVC2 yang rosternya notabene lebih banyak? Karena menurut gw MVC2 itu kulminasi akhir dari segala macem yang exist di CPS2nya capcom dari jaman Children of the Atom ampe SF alpha 3 yang cuma dikasi make up sana sini, sementara MVC3 90 persen dibangun dari awal dan baru semua, dari system ampe sprite yang semi 3D walo banyak gerakan2 yang masih diadopsi dari old system. MVC 3 roster juga roster paling keren yang pernah ada dalam sejarah game fighting. Wesker vs Thor? Overpowered Sentinel vs Ameterasu? Talk about dream match!

37. Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2(NDS)

This incredibly idiot, funny and addictive music games is what NDS is all about. Great music gameplay yang dilengkapin ama amazing amazing soundtrack. Satu2nya game asli yang pernah gw import dari amazon jepang. Totally Worth It!


Gua gak ngerti kenapa orang2 benci ama FF VIII. Ceritanya emang mendayu2 banget dan rada2 maksa begitu nyampe disc 3, tapi what do you expect? udah jelas2 dari logonya keliatan banget tentang romantis2an. Tapi besides that weak point, FF VIII buat gw itu FF modern paling balance. Junction system yang dikritik abis2an menurut gw not bad kok, addictive malah. Selama lu rajin draw mah, lu bakal jago. Triple Triad itu mini games paling addictive sepanjang sejarah FF. Emang sih personil FF VIII isinya boyband semua, tapi karakterisasinya lumayan ke develop kok, terutama antara squall and seifer. FF VIII juga punya spaceship paling brutal sepanjang sejarah FF, Ragnarook. FMV2nya dua kelas diatas FF VII dan FF IX, terutama that awesome epic opening scene. This is FF at its best guys!


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