Gua dan 20 lagu terbaiknya Radiohead

Dolo gw selalu merasa musiknya Radiohead is too cool, even for me. Its like, setiap kali gw mau nyoba masuk ke dalam katalog mereka, yang ada di otak gw cuma ribet. I know they’re damn good, brilliant, dan lumayan groundbreaking in terms tentang gimana mengolah something yang simple and sebenernya kalo ditilah2 dari sisi technical gak terlalu sulit, becoming something yang awesome. But still, gw selalu takut buat mencoba. Why? Probably because gw takut hypenya gak akan sesuai ama kenyataannya. Well you know, realization hasilnya selalu berbeda dengan expectation.But , untungnya kalimat tadi gak sesuai ama Radiohead. Fuck Yeah the Hype is real. Malah lumayan ngelewatin atapnya. Radiohead is AMAZING. I would put them as one of favorites rock band(If you want to call them rock band) of all time. Mereka selalu bisa bikin musik yang sendu, muram durjana, but enjoyable dan bikin gw pengen masuk ke dalam dunia yang lumayan gelap itu, lari2 tapi tentu aja pake jas ujan. Yes, it is not for everyone Apalagi buat generasi millenials or fast forward skip computer asshole yang pengen semuanya serba instant. You can’t find and feel the MUSIC dalam waktu yang singkat yang cepat dan padat. That is FASTFOOD BULLSHIT. Karena itu bakalan bikin boring in a record time. This is why kenapa anak2 generasi sekarang(dan menular juga ke lingkungan sekitar mereka sih) sounded so stupid and shallow. Radiohead diciptain buat mahluk hidup yang punya hati, good taste, patience, and willing to discover the inner depth of their gloomy melankolis rainy days in their right fucking mind.

20. JUST, from THE BENDS

Sebenernya kalo gak ada solo guitarnya Greenwood disini, JUST is just another typical lagu2nya Radiohead di dua album awal mereka. Rasa Indie, britpop, and New on the Road band masih kerasa banget. But damn that Johnny Greenwood, dia bisa nambahin something yang sweet and strong ke dalem lagu sebenernya agak2 narsistik dan biasa aja.

19. How to Disappear Completely (And Never Be Found Again), from Kid A

I Hate KID A. Not as much as I hate The King of Limbs sih. Why? Because gw ngerasa this is their most pretentious works. Its like kaya mereka gak nyoba eksperimen for the sake of music. Its like mereka eksperimen because THEY CAN. They want to JUMP through the HOOPS as far as they can. I hate almost everysong in KID A. Except for this brilliant POWERFUL track. Banyak yang bilang lagu ini sad and depresi banget. This is the song yang elu pake kalo lu da muak ama kerjaan lu, lovelife or whatever the fuck is your problem at that time. Buat gue, it is not. This is the song buat nyatain kalo diri elu bebas berada dimanapun yang gw mau, any fuckin time I want. Amazing track.

18. CREEP, from Pablo Honey

Siapa sih yang gak tau lagu ini? Kalo ada yang baca blog ini dan gak tau lagu ini, get the fuck out of my blog. You’re disgusting and lower than a cow. This is the kind of song yang lu ciptain and sing when you want to be a ONE HIT WONDER alternative rock band. Catchy, resonance ama banyak loser and creepo outside, you can sing it while you’re drunk, dan enak buat didenger. Untung aja mereka bisa terbang tinggi banget after this song. Still a good song.

17. No Surprises, from THE BENDS

Buat sebuah lagu yang nadanya begitu melankolis, petikan gitar yang lumayan hypnotic, and vokal yang melayang2, its really hard to believe kalo lagu ini itu political banget. Its about bring down the goverment, corruption and all that crap. But it works. Especially dengan videoclipnya yang lumayan “subtle” buat ngegambarin jiwa aktivis Thom Yorke.

16. Present Tense, from A Moon Shaped Pool

Typicaly lagu2 ambiencenya Radiohead. A bit bossa dikit, but ngumpet itu bossa di balik abu musik2nya Radiohead as usual. Sounded kaya gabungannya How to Dissapear Completely and No Surprises. But better dan lebih modern. I adore that fuckin choir so damn much.

15. Sail to the Moon, from Hail to the Thief

If Alicia Keys or fuckin Adele singin this song, it’s going to be a motherfucker hit chart song yang bakalan bikin banyak cewe2 di dunia lebih nangis bombay lagi di karaoke booth meratapi betapa menyedihkannya kisah cinta mereka without even thinkin about what the fuck this song is all about.

14. Pyramid Song, from Amnesiac

Pyramid song is…, Apa ya kalimat yang pas banget buat ngegambarinnya. DEEP? DARK? Obvious banget. Mystical? A little bit. Haunting? Too much. Sekali lagi, just like a lot of Radiohead Songs, gua gak bisa pinpoint it very specifically what I felt about their songs. But I can feel the song. I can easily swam with the black angels in a moon full of stars and astral cars.


13. Exit Music(for a Film),  from OK Computer

Transisi ni lagu ke Let down is one of best track transition di dunia music and one of the reasons kenapa Radiohead is such a genius dalam hal penempatan track dan lagu.

12. Bodysnatchers, from In Rainbows

Warning, this is the first song from the Album In Rainbows yang ada di list ini. And as my favorite Radiohead Album, the list is going to be full of In Rainbow’s song. Bodysnatchers is awesome. Lagunya kaya kebagi dua bagian. The first part is fast angry and brutal. The second part is still fast, angry dan brutal. Tapi lebih brutal dan tajam.


11. Black Star, from The Bends

Salah satu syarat a perfect world versi gua tuh ya seandainya that boring inducing High and Dry gak jadi single paling terkenal dari The Bends where everyone cover it. But Black Star is. Lagu Radiohead paling easy, catchy, but way better but dikategoriin sekedar lagu pop-ish.


10. Paranoid Android, from OK Computer

Banyak yang bilang ini magnum opusnya Radiohead. Sure, in terms of technical and everything, mungkin ini lagu Radiohead yang kesannya paling grandiosa and, this is not me yang ngebandingin ya, Bohemian Rhapsody-Y in terms of feels. Its a goddam good song. But in my opinion, it lack souls. Melodic banget sih emang, tapi buat gw rasanya kaya campuran masakan2 enak yang dicampur jadi satu jadi masakan yang lebih enak. But it lack Identity and punch line.

9. All I Need, from In Rainbows

Lagu Radiohead paling romantis. Lyricnya simple banget, but to the point. Gak ada tuh muter2 lewat matahari, pelangi ato seven seas dulu buat ngegambarin fall in love and fall in need of someone.

8. Burn the Witch, from A Moon Shaped Pool

The Best way buat dengerin Burn the witch is disaat elu ada berada di ruang tertutup and you hate every thing yang ada di ruangan itu, including yourself, and then Burn the Witch come along with that BOLD Orchestra sound yang very very safe banget, but Radiohead-Y banget. Good Track.

7. Fake Plastic Trees, from The Bends

Fake plastic Trees itu lagunya Radiohead yang pas banget buat ngegambarin typical teenager emo puberty yang marah2, ngambek ama dunia ini, terus mojok molo sendirian di kamarnya sambil dengerin something yang non sensical. But unlike kebanyakan lagu2 setipe yang durjana gak jelas, Fake Plastic Trees actually ada substancenya yang kerasa, walo isinya gak ada di dalem lyricsnya yang ngaco dan kedengeran banget bloonnya. Fake plastic Trees’s power ada di solo guitarnya Greenwood yang “ngamuk” sama at the end of the song, when Thom Yorke sings, “If I could be who you wanted, all the time..”. Perfect banget buat ngegambarin something yang sedang menemukan dan mencari bentuknya.

6. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, from In Rainbows

Yang bikin keren dari Weird fishes itu sebenernya agak membingungkan. I can’t exactly pinpoint what I really feel about this song. Kadang2 it felt relaxing, kadang2 it felt very danceable(YEP), but sometimes, it can be felt like being in  a deepest ocean bottom of the seas and seeing someone yang penting banget di dalam hidup lu down there in the darkness and infinite pressure. This is the kind of song yang bakalan selalu gua pake in the entrance of any kind compilation seandainya lagu ini masuk.


5. Karma Police, from Ok Computer

The antithesis of paranoid android. Semua yang ada di karma police itu lawannya Paranoid Android. Not overly complicated, very very very calming, dan yang paling penting, you can feel the soul. Britpopnya masih kerasa, but its evolving into something yang more mature. Not the best track on CRAZY AWESOME album of OK Computer, but definitely the most singable and enjoyable.

4. Nude, from In Rainbows

Ah, Nude. Lagu Radiohead yang gua banget. Sweet, not beautiful. Catchy, not easy. Gloomy, not Dark. Soul Inducing, not breaking. Lagu gila yang awalnya manis dan romantis, tapi at the end jadi kaya sedih frustasi gitu. Pertama kali denger mungkin ngerasa ni lagu gampang bener, and typical acoustic2 style yang pop-ish. Yeah, if a fuckin pop song can easily break your happy and upgoing mood, then call this song a fuckin POP SONG. And that fuckin awesome bass lines ama soft drum strokes yang bikin kerasa banget rasa2 genre ambiencenya. Probably satu dari sedikiittttt lagu radiohead yang bisa dipake buat having sex. Cuma dibutuhin sedikit improvisasi aja di akhirnya. LOL.

3. There There, from Hail to the Thief

“Just cause you feel it, doesn’t meant its there”. Yes, that’s the perfect words to summarized THERE THERE. Ini lagu gak kaya lagu Radiohead as usual walo tetep terdiri dari 3 part seperti biasanya. Rasanya kaya abis nonton Scarface, Heat, terus the next movie is the Descent. It is still a very very good movie, but felt very different than the usual. Yea yea, masih tetep stylish, dan teknikal-ish gitu kaya lagu Radiohead, sih. But itu doang kesamaannya.

2. Let Down, from Ok Computer

Let down felt like life. Slow, sad, bleak, but in the end, it is epic and memorable like hell. It is a very sad song indeed. Lagu yang isinya tentang orang2 yang bengong without doing anything or yang udah doing lots of thing tapi always disappointed with their life dan akhirnya ngerasa bodo amet deh. But the song is always comforting buat telinga gua. Hampir setiap kali gua denger lagu ini dan sampai at the third part where Thom is angry and channeling his desperation thru soft falsetto screaming, i get goosebump. This track is that damn good. Someday at the future, pas pertama kalinya gua ngajakin anak2 gw dengerin lagu ini, I will tell them, this is the kind of song that your old man cherish a lot and consider its as part of his soul.


1. Reckoner, from In Rainbows 

This song is the reason why In Rainbow is the greatest radiohead album, and quite possibly one of the greatest album of all time buat gua.

Lagu2 radiohead buat gw itu bisa beragam macem rasa dan artinya. Dark, Deep, Melancholy, thought provoking, depresi, romantis(yep), sad, angry or frustation. Tapi, gak ada tuh yang namanya Beautiful. Susah banget mengasosiasiin kata Beautiful with Radiohead song. I mean, lagu2 mereka brilliant, haunting and definitely some song you can consider its as an art, but fuck, I can’t put their song in the same sentence with the word BEAUTIFUL. Until Reckoner Comes along.. Fuck, this is probably the most beautiful song yang pernah dihasilin ama sebuah Rock Band. Lebay banget kalo gw bilang listening to Reckoner is like a food for my soul when I need some channel buat ngalirin whatever it is perasaan gua. But quite frankly, that is true. Once again, The weird thing is almost everyone yang gw kenal, even my wife yang setiap hari dengerin lagu ini, berpendapat kalo Reckoner itu gelap, misterius dan depresi/gloomy banget, and its not a song yang lu dengerin kalo lu butuh somekind of pencerahan. Well, im not using the song as my bible, buat gua, it is just one of my favourite artsy thingy yang exist in this world. But unlike physical art yang bisa rusak ato hilang, I can’t never loose reckoner. I can easily sing its amazing falsetto. I can easily catch betapa softnya lagu tanpa chorus ini.  Pretentious? Fuck No! This song felt like the truth yang gak bisa elu mengerti. Magic? Buat gua pribadi, it is.


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