Gue dan Kritikuspurapura’s top 30 Best New Song since 2010

Who says new always means worse?

Buat yang ngikutin blog gw since like ever, pasti tau kalo gw not a big fan of current trend of music. In fact gw bener2 gak bisa abis pikir gimana caranya musik2 sampah tolol tai kucing macem Anaconda, ato band2 lemah gemulai gak punya titit macem my chemical romance or the script bisa begitu popular. Yah, tapi gak semuanya jelek lah. There’s always a good side of everything. 30 lagu baru dibawah yang dirilis diatas taon 2010 yang captivating me and surprise me with their greatness contohnya.   Walo tetep aja It’s still difficult for me to find good new music…

30. Cults – Go Outside

Why? Because Im such a suck up for this kind of semi-creepy/churcy/culties anthem. Ada yang ngena dan enjoy banget kalo lu dengerin ni lagu sebelom tidur, goler2an gak jelas diatas kasur sambil ngelamunin apaan tau, or probably smoking pot. (I’m gonna make this song as a lullaby for my children in the future). “Well, I think I want to live my life and you’re just in my way…”

29. Chvrches – Gun

Lauren Mayberry itu cantik dan cute banget. Dark its not something that you can associate with her and Chvrches’s music. But Gun is Dark. Walo kenetralisir ama unsur catchy and stylish yang bertebaran sepanjang lagu, the gloomy intentionnya masih kerasa. Lauren Voice berasa kaya boneka cantik yang bisa ngebunuh elu kapan aja sih. Tempo elektroniknya unik and not danceable, tapi bakal bikin kaki ama pala lu goyang2.

28. All Thieves – Only of You

I found this song in the soundtrack of Driver San Fransisco(Which a very very good Videogame soundtrack). God, this song is so upbeat and enak banget dipake buat jogging ato jalan sehat pagi ato bahkan SKJ(Somebody please create the choreo…) That funky falsetto is brilliant..

27. Camera Obscura – This is Love

Ah, band yang bikin elu ngerasa ada di rural inggris di dekade 60-70an. Vintage!! Lagu pertama di list ini yang crot banget dipake sebagai temen ngopi, nyimeng, sarapan, pacaran, makan pancake. Susah buat ngebenci suara vokalisnya yang lembut banget. Buat yang mau music gampang tapi dalem, cari discography ni band..

26. Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – Round and Round

Lagu kebangsaan para hipster nih. Amazingly good though. That chorus fun banget buat dinyanyiin. Obvious banget ni band pasti lagi high pas lagi nulis ni lagu and probably setiap kali ngebawain live. This song is like 70’s era of porn. Penuh rambut, sama sekali gak pretentious or fake. RAW, but very very enjoyable.

25. M83 – Intro(Feat Zola Jesus)

Ni lagu jenius banget! Bener2 one of the greatest track of all time to open up an album. From that crazy synth dream induced opening sampe vocal track yang high and dry, this song is oozing up with greatness. Rasanya kaya trekking gunung yang elu tau puncaknya bakal keren. You climbing step by step, trees by tress, until the climax is arrived.

24. Armin Van Buuren Feat Sophie Ellis Bextor – Not Giving Up On Love

The only guilty pleasure in this list. Gak ada something new yang ditawarin ama lagu ini. Gak ada something brilliant yang ditawarin ama lagu ini. Suara Sophie ya biasa aja as usual. Mixnya Sir Armin juga gak extraordinary2 banget. Analoginya gini, kalo makan KFC lebih enakan minum coca cola kan daripada pake expensive wine? Fast food is good kan?

23. Adele – Rolling in the Deep

Lagu paling mainstream di list ini. So fucking good though. Adele nailed it. This song definitely has soul, and probably satu2nya lagu ngehit dimana2 yang has the IT factor for the last 10 years. She’s trying to have it again using SOMEONE LIKE YOU and SKYFALL, but obviously, di dua lagu tadi Adele gagal mencapai level ke-awesome-an dia di lagu ini. Setengahnya gak ada!

22. Robyn – Dancing on My Own

This song is using pulsing synths and electronic buat bikin lagu melankolis yang danceable gila. That’s a feat yang susah banget dibikin lho. Dancing around sambil nangis sendirian abis broke up with your love one now is possible using this song…

21. Jessie Ware – The Wildest Moment

I still remember the first time I listened to this song. I still can’t believe how fuckin good this song at that time. Gw keep repeating it round and round, and giggling at the incredible punchy drum yang bikin gw ngerasa kaya denger Sinead O Connor+Prince+ all of those good 90’s melancholic pop song di lebur jadi satu.

20. Todd Terje – Delorian Dynamite

Ini lagu kalo ditempatin di soundtracknya Miami Vice back in the 80’s bakalan jadi legendary banget. Lagu remix yang penuh ama unsur nostalgia, tapi gak ngelupain its modern roots. Yep, the world is turning upside down…

19. Future Islands – Seasons

Ini calon penggusurnya Ariel Pink Round and Round as lagu kebangsaan Hipster beberapa taon kedepan. Tunggu aja. Still very good though. Kalo lu pikir Christian Bale growl as batman cuma bisa dipake di dunia film, listen(and watch) to this song being perform in live deh..

18. Lana Del Rey – Blue Velvet

I always love Lana Del Rey. She’s like born out of another time. Modern version of Dusty Springfield yang diblender ama Nina Simone. Dia paling jago deh bikin elu ngerasa depresi dan pengen slit your own throat with her beautiful voice. Her cover rendering of Blue Velvet is very grandiosa, dramatic, intriguing, dan bikin elu pengen nonton film2 Noir…

17. Sky Ferreira – I Blame Myself

Salah satu misteri paling besar di alam semesta itu, kenapa that bitchy no talented Miley Cyrus bisa popular banget lagu2nya, sementara her friend, SKY FERREIRA with her amazing talent, voice and soul, popularitasnya disono2 aja? Baffling banget. I Blame myself is tough and didn’t give a rat ass about compromise. That final chorus is sweet!

16. College feat Electric Youth – The Real Hero

Suatu saat nanti, 20 tahun dari sekarang, ini lagu bakalan gw puter buat nemenin gw jalan2 naek mobil keliling kota sendirian di malem hari , pake jaket kalajengking di punggung, gigit2 tusuk gigi. Lagu yang bikin gw kembali ngunjungin era 80an buat nyari inspirasi dibalik betapa indahnya ni lagu.

15. Arcade Fire – We Used to Wait

The monoton but good piano. The New Wave Riff guitar. Not another typical Arcade fire synth pop/rock! Yes it is, one of the best. When the second chorus hit, all the wait is over, and everything is moving on like a super car Pretentious, but nail the vision.

14. Jessie Ware – Champagne Kisses

Champagne Kisses punya intro bass yang punching and addictive banget. Very retro and haunting. The Way Jessie using her highest voice juga pas. If this song was being released in 90’s Era, Jessie Ware is in Beyonce level popularity sekarang.

13. John Mayer – If I ever get around in Living

Born and Raised is Mayer’s most finest and personal album. Semua lagu di dalemnya obvious banget ngegambarin state of life dimana Mayer is standing at that time. But this song is in a whole other level than any other brilliant song in that album. Startnya lambat, melankolis dan ballad. But as the song goes by, the feeling, music and lyrics is getting more and more different. Gak ada chorus, gak ada bridge. Just 5 minutes verse yang penuh ama lirik2 simple dan cocok banget buat lagu bertema kaya gini. One of my fav track buat road trippin, mikir and then born and raised.

12. Chromatic – Into the Black

Infectious. Kalimat yang paling pas buat describe this masterpiece. Cover dari lagunya Neil Young yang obviously very very psychedelic even in the original. Chromatic takes another level of dreamy and nirvana-y in their cover. Piano and guitar only, with a very very thick retro/indie feel, into the black lagu yang pas, lagi-lagi, buat road tripping, nyimeng, or any kind of activity yang membutuhkan imajinasi, fantasy or whatever it is yang berhubungan ama the age of aquarius..

11. Arcade Fire – City With no Children

With that brilliant but cliche guitar riff, City with No Children mungkin jadi lagu Arcade Fire paling gampang buat dimasukin. But that doesn’t mean that this song is shallow and boring. Nope. Arcade Fire mungkin sering bikin lagu2 yang epic. But all of their EPIC song biasanya sounded very full band or sometime agak2 kaya orchestra. City with No Children is trying to be an epic song dengan instrumen yang gak banyak dan lirik yang membumi. Did they succeed? YES. Arcade Fire canmake grandiosa statements without sounding like they’re carrying the entire fuckin weight of the world.

10. Rhye – The Fall

Dengerin The Fall tuh rasanya kaya dengerin Sade sambil nontonin film2nya Susanne Bier or Thomas Vinterberg. A very calming disco infused tune yang selalu enak didengerin siang2 di kantor pas lagi break time. Mysterious, lembut banget, and very direct.

9. Rhye – Open

Mirip2 ama The Fall, but lebih personal and super super dreamy. Milosh voice bener2 androgini abis di ni lagu. One of the best MV I’ve ever watched too. Its hard not to have your heart melting when this song get you. Dengerin background musicnya deh, dan imagine listenin to this song disaat lu lagi road tripping ngelewatin padang rumput or any great ocean road with sunshine blowing your face..

8. Suede – Hit Me

Lagu bersuara kaya gini udah Jarang nih di jaman Sekarang. Blur udah makin bereksperimen kemana2. Oasis udah ga jelas. Radiohead lama2 jadi progressive electronic(But still good). Hit me dateng di saat yang tepat banget pas gw lagi bernostalgia dengerin side B britpop 90an. This is Suede at his best, just like all their works in Dog Man Star or their first album.

7. The White Stripes – Seven Nation Army(The Glitch Mob Remix)

Technically, Seven nation Army is a 2001 song. But this remix is so good, I need to put it in this list. Probably the most industrial sounded badass remix I’ve ever heard. Make me want to watch the GI JOE Sequel walopun i don’t give a shit about anything in that shitty flick

6. Robyn – Hang With Me

Gak kaya Dancing on My Own, Hang with Me endingnya Happy. The song is upbeat, electro, and pet shop boys/robert miles-Y with Robyn Signature Pop Vocal give it a sizeable sweet tone. Oh, i hate the ballad-acoustic version. Kinda out of character for Robyn.

5. Jessie Ware – Say You Love Me

Pretty fucking Powerful. Those three words pas banget ngegambarin Say You love Me. Its like Jessie is fucking loose this time. There’s no more creativity or any kind of bullshit leash to hold her. The simplicity of the music yang kadang2 dimasukin ama catchy electric guitar melody at the chorus really really meshing well with Jessie voice. Kalo ni lagu jadi andalannya si Jessie buat nembus mainstream, its really a fucking good one. The IT factor is there. But alas, kalo an artist gak pamer pantat, act like a fucking lunatic, susah banget nembus mainstream market. Gw pikir after Adele breakthrough, dunia music mainstream bakal sedikittttt berubah jadi lebih soulful dikit. Well, fuck me..

4. Jai Paul – Jasmine

One day, i had a dream. I was waking up in a pretty amazing Blade Runner cyberpunk type Jakarta. Disono gw jadi semacem badass detective/hunter with soul of a dragon. I can kick any ass or kill any bastard that I want. That’s what I feel about Jasmine. 4 minutes and 14 second journey of something yang dateng dari luar jalur yang sama sekali gak pernah lu duga bisa jadi awesome. When an in comprehensive vocal becoming a huge part of the instrumental rather than a bridge/vehicle of some lyrics in a FUCKING Rock/Dance track, that’s what I call fucking beautiful. Gw gak tau Jasmine itu tentang apa, and quite frankly, if the songs is this damn good, i don’t give a fuck about meaning and all that shit.

3. Arcade Fire – The Suburbs

The suburbs feels like a trip round an old neighbourhood that you used to live and love but in a decaying mode and there’s nothing that you can do to save it no matter how hard you try.  Out of words to describe it. Just listen

2. Blur – Under the Westway

Under the Westway reminds me to “To The End”, or “The Universal”, dua songs dari Blur yang gak kedengeran kaya hasil karya britpop band. It’s more matured and round though. Gak kaya dua lagu taon 90an itu yang keliatan mencoba berbeda, Under the Westway felt more soulful dan quiet. Disaat albarn shouting out words “Hallelujah” with that broken and pessimistic tone, I feel him.

1. Sky Ferreira – Everything is Embarassing

Everything is embarassing is simple enough, sometimes it makes me think, “how come a song that’s so simple and sounded too vintage or 80’s edgy, that shouldn’t work for me, bikin gw terus2an denger and trying to find some weird euphemism or metaphorical in the lyrics padahal gw tau that doesn’t exist?”. Everything is Embarassing bener2 gak ada sisi commercialnya. Its like a diary from Sky yang felt so personal dan seakan2 ngegambarin kalo ini yang dia mau dan suka in Music. I feel that. Everything is Embarassing is still a pop, walo lebih ngarah ke kiri. Vulnerable and full of soul. That’s one hell of ingredient combination to become one of my greatest pop track of all time. Siapa yang duga kalo Pop can be an art too? And that’s coming out from my mouth…

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