Gue dan Top 12 Jack Johnson’s Song


Liat foto diatas? Yep, that picture basically summarized ampir semua lagu Jack Johnson. Dari arti, melody, soul, sampe rasa dan harumnya. Gak ada musisi mainstream di dunia ini yang begitu synchronize and harmonis banget sama pantai, ombak, pohon mangga, surfing, hidup, dan freedom of soul selain Jack Johnson. He is basically my go to music when I need something buat nyantai while soaking up life and reality…

12. The Sharing Song, From OST of Curious George(2001) Lagu anak2 paling efektif dan catchy yang pernah gw denger…

11. Good People, From In Between Dream(2005)

10. Hope, From Sleep Through the Static(2008)

9. Girl I Want to Lay You Down, From The Mango Trees, Alo’s Cover(2007) Lagu yang cukup sensual romantis tanpa ada unsur2 bokep and cheap. Pas nih buat deketin target…

8. Monsoon, From Sleep Through the Static(2008) Salah satu dari sedikit lagu Johnson yang dark…Its Good..

7. Banana Pancakes, From In Between Dream(2005) Lagu males-malesan pas bolos kerja males bangun tidur di ranjang jilatin sele nanas…

6. Flake, From Brushfire Fairytales(2002)

5. If I Had Eyes, From Sleep Through the Static(2008)Gw tau JJ dari ni lagu. Still one of his best. That intro guitar…

4. Do You Remember, From In Between Dream(2005)Lagu yang bakal gw nyanyiin buat istri gw nanti di usia 10 years of our marriage saking romantisnya ni lagu…

3. I Got You, From From Here To Now To You(2013)Amazing bridge…Simple banget, tapi bagus banget. Kadang2 emang gak perlu deh tetek bengek macem2 buat bikin good music…

2. Badfish-Boss DJ, From The Mango Trees, Sublime’s Cover(2007)

1. Upside Down, From OST of Curious George(2001) Lagu yang ngedefine JJ. Definitely song dia paling bagus. FUCKIN UNIVERSAL BANGET. Everyone can hear it. Lagu yang bakal bikin masa depan elu cerah deh…

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