Gue dan 10 Aktor/Aktris favorit gw

Akting. Penting apa kaga sih sebenernya? Buat hiburan belaka, gak penting2 banget sih actually. Buktinya gw enjoy banget nonton Guardians of the Galaxy, Constantine, The Raid 1 and 2,  Wall E, or even that goddamn SHARKNADO. Selain Sharknado, tentu aja film2 diatas itu masuk dalem kategori yang enjoyable, dan khusus WALL E, genius. But apa di dalem film2 di atas itu ada akting yang bisa masuk dalem kelas “BRILLIANT” buat gue?


Jadi akting gak penting dong buat nentuin film2 favorit elu?

Penting, buat jadi jembatan dari film bagus jadi film yang Amazing. Bahkan, ada kalanya dimana AKTING doang bisa mengubah sebuah film medioker dan boring, jadi sebuah film yang enjoyable, atau naek kasta lagi jadi menarik, ato bahkan kena bankai jadi MASTERPIECE.

As good and as influencing BLADE RUNNER could be, itu film gak akan jadi se- legendary sekarang without Rutger Hauer’s  nonsensical bitchin about Tannhauser Gate in the end of the movie. Without Jennifer Lawrence subtle craziness, Silver Lining Playbook cuma bakalan jadi film romcom biasa. Without James Woods hamming it up in the Specialist and John Carpenter’s Vampire, itu dua film bakalan jadi direct to DVD gargabe bin movie. Tanpa Pattinson and Stewart itu twilight series bakalan jadi hampa dan tanpa akting. BAHAHAHAHAHA.

Gue sih jarang ye nonton film gara2 ada aktor/aktris tertentu in a movie(Kecuali satu orang, but we will come to that later). Plot dan sutradara(dan juga trailer kadang2) yang bikin gw pengen nonton something. But still, gw pengen nulis dan ngasih tahu to the slave of this blog aktor/aktris fav gw and the reason why I like them, objectively. Kriteria2nya? Tentu aja kekuatan akting nomor satu. Kedua, keberanian dan keragaman peran2 mereka. Dan ketiga, screen presence or karisma.  But first, gue pengen kasih tau dolo kalo gue mau subjektif, siapa yang ada di puncak asmara gue. He is none other than, if you smelllll…..

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

The Rock in GI JoeKalo gue mau subjektif ye, Rocky definitely ada di top of the list gw.  He’s my favorite human being in the planet. But, karena kali ini kita ngomongin tentang kapabilitas berakting secara objektif(walo tetep aja versi gue), sorry Rock. You’re not in this list, but I still want to mention you. Kemampuan akting si the Rock mah ngaco. Kalo dia lagi super serius ato mencoba menarik simpati penonton, he always failed to do that. Malah bikin gw rolling eyes dan ngakak deh. Apalagi kalo dia coba2 nangis ato terharu atau terhenyak gitu. Ampun deh. Dia terlalu badass sih, jadinya susah banget buat his fans, ato penonton buat menerima kalo The Rock itu killable, hurtable and destroyable. Tapi dari segi kharisma, gak ada satupun aktor/aktris di dunia ini yang bisa nandingin kharismanya rocky. Siapapun itu, sesukses apapun dia, kalo berdiri di samping Rocky, or act besides him, kesedot abis itu aura dan kharismanya. But Karisma doang gak akan bisa ngasih Rocky award in acting. But mau gimana juga, dia satu2nya person di list ini yang dengan butanya bakal gw tonton semua filmnya, gak perduli sesampah apapun tu film.

Dan ini listnya..

Honorable Mention : Andy Lau, Javier Bardem, James Woods, Takeshi Kitano, Monica Belluci, Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlton Heston ,Christian Bale and Sasha Baron Cohen.

10. Abe Hiroshi


His best : Kekkon Dekinai Otoko(Dorama), Still Walking, Survival Style Five +

Kenapa dia? Kenapa bukan Hikari Matsushima or Maki Yoko yang gue taksir abis2an? Kenapa bukan Takeshi Kitano? Because all of their acting is nothing compared to Abe.  Peran2 yang pernah dibawain ama dia tuh incredibly versatile. Abe bisa berakting komedi dengan hint of sadness(kekkon), Abe bisa berakting serius tetapi rasanya enteng banget kaya minum juice dingin in the hot day(Still walking), Abe bisa berakting Crazy without boundaries(Survival). Well, belom semua film2 ABE yang gw tonton, but setiap kali nama Abe Hiroshi nongol, I know that movie is going to be interesting buat ditonton, or at least, enjoyable.

9. Tom Cruise


His best : Collateral, Interview with the Vampire, Tropic Thunder, Jerry Maguire.

Ya ya, si Tom Cruise practically emang maenin diri dia sendiri sih di almost 99% of his movie walo gw yakin dia sendiri gak bermaksud doing that. Tapi karena Imagenya as TOM CRUISE itu susah banget buat diilangin, mau gak mau, ya nempel terus di semua karakter yang dia maenin. But goddamn, Cruise is a very very good actor kalo dia trying as hard as he can in terms of characterization. Sebagai karakter paling cool yang pernah ada di film2nya Michael Mann, Cruise stole every fuckin scene he’s been on. Gue bingung kenapa Oscar jatohnya ke si Foxx. His movement, his EYES, his line, his mannerism, semuanya tuh perfecto. As Lestat, bahkan Anne Rice sendiri kagum setengah mati ama performanya Cruise. Jerry Maguire is empty without cruise singing free fallingnya Tom Petty and shouting bullshit show me the money. And tropic thunder, oh boy, nonton sendiri deh tu film. Karakternya cruise itu is one of the best modern character in a silver screen, and cruise nail it hard! GET BACK MOTHERFUCKER! Sayang scientology and his divorce with Kidman and Holmes kinda ruin his image..

8. John Cussack


His Best : Say Anything, Grosse Pointe Blank, High Fidelity, Serendipity.

Ah, the great John Cusack, or should I say, the former great actor, John Cusack. Why? Karena 1402 is his last good movie. Dia udah sold out. Udah ilang John Cusack yang begitu free, fresh and free falling di Say Anything. John Cusack yang witty, funny and gritty di Grosse Pointe Blank udah keganti ama John Cusack yang ngerandom maen film ama Jackie Chan. John Cusack  AKA Rob Gordon yang mengubah dan menginfluence hidup gue jadi dinamis dan penuh ama musik uda lenyap ketelen ratusan juta dollar di 2048…

7. Tatsuya Nakadai


His Best : The Human Condition, Harakiri, Kwaidan, Samurai Rebellion, Goyokin.

Kenapa dia? Kenapa bukan Toshiro Mifune? Gak tau ya. Nakadai kerasa lebih klik aja ama selera gue. Just like The Rock lebih ngeklik ama gue dibandingin Stone Cold, or just like The Rolling Stones lebih pas ama personality gue dibandingin the Beatles. Mifune is a great actor, but Nakadai is in whole other level. Setiap kali mereka berdua tampil bareng, si Mifune tuh rasanya kaya dibully2 mentally, jadi kaya keseret2 actingnya Nakadai. Harakiri is a masterpiece. The greatest Japanese movie of all time buat gue. Dan Nakadai makes that. The freakin epic Human Condition is another masterpiece yang dikomadoin ama Nakadai seakan2 effortless banget, padahal tu film temanya amit2 beratnya. Sebagus apapun film2 samurainya Kurosawa, ngalahin second bestnya Kobayashi aja, Samurai Rebellion, belom bisa coi. Kurosawa fanboy? Fuck off…

6. Maggie Cheung


Her Best : As Tears Go By, Days of being Wild, In the Mood for Love. 

Why? Karena dia aktres cewe paling elegan di seluruh bumi ini. Muka dan mimiknya itu lho, bener2 oriental and sexy in a very very highclass level shit. Dan aktingnya, ampun deh. There’s a reason why Days of being wild is one of the greatest love story I’ve ever seen in the silver screen. Maggie is the reason. Barisin semua aktris yang pernah ada di muka planet ini. Make them standing side by side ama Maggie Cheung. Boong banget kalo aura ketenangan dan karismanya ada yang sedewa Maggie.

5. Slyvester Stallone


His Best : First Blood, Rocky, Cop Land, Rocky Balboa, RAMBO, Grudge Match.

What? Yep, Stallone is one of the greatest actor of all time. Tau gak sih kalo Stallone, after ROCKY, digadang2 sebagai the next Marlon Blando? I dont give a fuck about Academy Award, but buat elu2 yang masih percaya ama kekerenan OSCAR, tau apa gak, Stallone itu orang ketiga dalam sejarah planet geblek ini after Charlie Chaplin dan fuckin Orson Welles yang dapet dua nominasi sekaligus di Best ACTOR and Best SCREENPLAY? Yap, that’s the truth. Gak percaya? Tonton lagi tuh First Blood. That movie bener2 aging very very well. It is still a fuckin great movie, walo stallone butcherin up dengan ngejadiin sekuel2nya(Kecuali yang terakhir) semacem propaganda patriotism bullshit. Rocky didn’t work out for you? Try COP LAND. Di film yang berisi nama2 heavy actor macem De Niro, Liotta, Keitel, STALLONE STEAL THE FUCKIN SHOW. I love the Last RAMBO. Itu film rasanya personal(bukan, gw bukan orang burma) banget buat gue tonton, especially at the ending. Stallone is a great actor!

4. Jennifer Connelly

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Her Best : Once Upon a Time in America, House of Sand and Fog, Requiem for a Dream, Blood Diamond. 

Why? Dia punya the greatest boobs of all time. I’m not kidding. But she’s a very very very good and underrated actress in her generation, if not, of all time. Aktingnya Connely itu selalu strong but fragile, intellegent but emotional, dan yang paling pas banget buat ngejelasin dia, itu touching. Dia bisa ngebuat elu bersimpatik and in the same way BELIEVE in her character. And she’s is so fuckin beautiful. Probably the most beautiful actress of all time. Her best performance tentu aja ada di Requiem for a dream. Idiotic tetapi understandable, borderline crazy and stupid. Belom pernah nonton? Terus ngapain masih disini? Get up and look for the film  for godsake…

3. Gael Garcial Bernal


His Best : Ytu Mama Tambien, Amorres Perros, El Crimen del Padre Amaro, The Motorcycle Diaries.

Ah, the mexican Johnny Depp with a huge but. Depp is a good actor but sell his soul and skill for dollar. Bernal is a motherfuckin good actor in the same level as Depp, probably even better, but always make a beutiful movie without sacrificing skill and art sense. Gue sih jujur aja keabisan kata2 kalo mau muji2 perform dia di Ytu Mama Tambien. Intinya cuma satu, Karakternya dia itu JUJUR BANGET in terms of karakterisasi yaaa, bukan plot. That subtle asshole acting in El Crimen Del Padre Amaro is the one that always make me laugh setiap kali gue inget. And as CHE in Motorcycle Diaries? Gak ada actor laen yang born for this role. Bernal nail it, signed it, sealed it, and delivered it, even way better than del toro does couple of years after that(walo to be fair, its a different character to play sih)

2. Mads Mikkelsen


His Best : Open Heart, Pusher II, After the Wedding, The Hunt, Valhalla Rising, Hannibal(TV SERIES). 

Kalo gue disuruh milih satu aktor buat meranin Satan/Lucifer/Mephisto, gue bakal milih Mads. Kalo gue disuruh milih satu aktir buat meranin God/Yahwe/the Mighty Allah, gue bakal milih mads. Kalo gue disuruh milih satu aktor buat meranin modern version of Si Doel anak Sekolahan, gue bakal milih Mads. Yep, He’s that DAMN good. Valhalla Rising probably is the first movie yang bikin gw nengok dan say, “hey, that guy from Casino Royale can be a motherfuckin violent badass too. I thought his face is cowardly all the time), and then I watched the Hunt. Tu film gila masih betah bertengger di film terbaik sepanjang masa versi gue(bikin gue jadi pengen update tu list di ni blog). Pertama kalinya sepanjang sejarah gw nonton film ampe bikin gw gregetan gara2 marah, ampir nangis gara2 marah. Why? Karena mimik dan subtle actingnya mads disono. Jangan salah, Open Heart, Pusher, After the wedding, or even di Flame and Citron, Mads juga berakting gila2an dan brilliant, but all of that is nothing compared to his performance in THE HUNT. And, Hannibal arrives. Instead mencoba jadi LECTER yang lebih baik daripada Sir Anthony Hopkins, Mads taking a different route. Dia mencoba menjadi Lecter yang berbeda. Lecter yang lebih subtle. Lecter yang lebih intellegent. Dan scarynya, Lecter yang lebih pyschopathic and make sense. That sealed the deal buat gue. MADS MIKKELSEN is AWESOME.

1. Al Pacino


His Best : Godfather, Scarface, Cruising, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, Carlito’s Way, Scent of A Woman, Any Given Sunday, Devil’s Advocate, The Insider, Angels in America. 

Well, kalo gue bilang Al Pacino itu aktor favorit gue rasanya itu masih terlalu rendah deh. How about the greatest actor of all time? Nobody can even touch him. Not Brando(walo si Brando overshadowing him in the Godfather), Not Nicholson, and jangan bikin gue mulai ngebitching about Robert De Niro karir and performance after Heat. Kalo elu nonton SCARFACE dan gak pengen jadi druglord kingpin yang punya a FUCKIN TIGER as a pet dan Michelle Pfeiffer in her prime as a wife, there’s something wrong with you. Kalo elu nonton Serpico, dan elu gak ngerasa si Serpico itu lahir di dunia yang salah dan totally simpatetik ama dia, ada yang ngaco ama otak elu. Kalo elu nonton Any Given Sunday, dan ngerasa kalo itu satu2nya film Oliver Stone yang gak pretentious gara2 ada Al Pacino disono, elu is one of the greatest dude in this blog, and, if you watch Devil’s Advocate dan elu gak ngerasa monolognya Pacino di 20 menit terakhir film is the greatest super saiyan god level acting then you must be sucking in life and have a bad taste of movie.  Yep, Al Pacino is the god of acting.  

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